How To Do Something Amazing.!

Hello beautiful readers. 

So I was just sitting with my friends in a coffee shop and one of my friend was saying that I really want to do something amazing, something worth it but I donno where to start and at that very moment I thought well that’s the notion that crosses everyone’s mind once in awhile but did you ever get an answer or just left wondered for another day to be repeated again.

Well that’s what I am going to talk about in this blog.

First of all for those who don’t know me please read my bio so that you can also feel one to one interaction and for any other queries just leave the comment below.

Okay, So Basic question I really want to ask is, are you really happy in what you are doing right now and if not who is stopping you to follow the path where your smile resides.?
You should ask this to yourself truthfully!
And let me ask you is it your lovely society, parents, friends or yourself ....yes yourself who is stopping you.?
And the answer is simple Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.

All of us have dreams of our own and one basic dream we all see is to make sufficient amount of money and this thought let us dive into fields we don’t really like and then we later on get stuck with a question “How to do something Amazing.?”

My dear for doing something amazing you need to be strong and strong means not only physically but mentally. Wake up with determination. You need to step out of your mind zone and follow what you are really good at and Give yourself more credit, ask your inner self "What makes you happy."? 

And yes being happy is important because if you are happy in what you are doing than you don’t need any motivation you already will be motivated to do your work .
So you need to ask what you really enjoy everyday.?
Is it sports or crafting or cooking or anything but just remember for doing something amazing you have to be "The Cream" that means you have to be the best .
In Todays world there are so many talented people out there who are unaware of their very own talent and maybe you are one of them or maybe you have realized what you are good at but just is afraid to follow it. And stressing on things is not a solution. You need to remind it to yourself that "Today I am not gonna stress over things I cant control. I will do my best."

I know its a really big decision, to follow what you want and sometimes the rarest paths takes time to get to the stage of success but when you get, its so amazing that you'll outshines. So keep in mind you are doing it for yourself not for others.

But let me tell you the path will not be easy breezy. Its going to be tough. Sometimes you will feel you are going in exact direction you wanted to be in but sometimes you will ask yourself is it really worth it or am I doing the right thing.

When such phase arises you need to do simple thing just close your eyes and no am not going to say think why you started Because it will all seem in vain but just take few deep breaths and go out for a walk and while returning and entering your room or house think is it really this house or room you dreamed of and please make your imaginary dream success path.
So that whenever you feel like quitting you can imagine it.
The key of doing something Amazing is not giving up and Be Patient.

Secondly what most important is that surround yourself with motivating people so that whenever you feel low they can make you realize that you are an achiever. As Cecelia Ahern said "Alone or not you gotta walk forward".

Also make a board of motivating quotes and in the middle stick the picture of your dream house, car and life you want .

We all are born to do something amazing its just we have to realise it that we all are not same and we cannot be in same branch. You have to step out of your comfort zone to be the best you always wanted. And as it is said "Old ways won't open new doors".

Also changing your dream is fine whatever suits you, the only goal you should keep is that when you will be on your death bed all old and weak there should not be this thought that if I would have taken some other step or have made some different decision my life would have been better.

My dear Life is just this what you are living. This today's date and year will never come again in your life ever again so you better make decision that your tomorrow will thank you for. It doesn’t matter that you are in your 20s 30s 40s etc.
What’s today done can never be done tomorrow so you better take the words of what your heart wants and don’t say you donno because before even reading this blog somewhere you knew what you want to do and if you couldn’t figure it out then just sit take a paper and write down things you love which may include playing games as well because if you donno there is job even in that sector all you need to do is follow your heart words. 

-By Ariba Khan and Lokesh Patel

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  1. Perfectly written 👌🏼
    Always ur fan girl ❤️

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks for such a cheezy comment 😂❤

  3. Beautifully written ...after a long time i read this much ....����

  4. Nice 👌👌
    Hope got next blog soon
